10 Expert Tips for Improving Your Existing Marketing Strategies

To be an effective marketer in 2019, you need to improve on the basic strategies you already use. It’s no longer enough to simply have a social media strategy or to send out emails periodically. For tips on stepping up your marketing strategies in 2019 and beyond, here are some tips from members of the online small business community.

Pay Attention to These Advertising Trends in 2019

The advertising landscape is changing quickly, especially on platforms like Facebook. If you want your messages to be seen by relevant consumers, you need to pay attention to the current trends. In this Voy Media post, Kevin Urrutia goes over some of the advertising trends to note in 2019.

Think Above Customer Expectations with Social Media Marketing

It’s always important to consider your customers’ expectations when marketing. But when it comes to social media, it may be necessary to exceed them. In this post, Are Morch explores this concept for hotels, but much of the concepts apply to other businesses as well. BizSugar members commented on the post here.

Don’t Ignore These Sales Strategies for Lead Generation

When you’re working to increase your sales, you need to bring in leads from multiple sources. There are some lead generation techniques that tend to be overlooked by small businesses. To really make an impact on your sales numbers, read this DIY Marketers post by Stefan Aarnio.

Add Video to Your Social Media Marketing

There’s a good chance that your marketing strategy includes some kind of social media content. You may even have a YouTube channel or some video content on your website. But you can make a greater impact by combining these strategies. This Content Marketing Institute post by Joe Forte includes tips for adding video into your social media strategy.

Go Back to Basics to Promote Your Business

Your marketing plan may have evolved a bit through the years. But some of those basic strategies can still be useful to established businesses. To step up your marketing strategy, here are some basic methods from Ivan Widjaya of Noobpreneur that you may want to re-examine.

Use These Smart Social Media Marketing Tools

To step up your social media strategies, you need to choose the right tools. There are plenty of options available for smart marketers, including those outlined in this post by Rebekah Radice. Then you can see input from the BizSugar community here.

Create Loyal Customers Through Post-Purchase Emails

Your business almost certainly has some kind of email marketing strategy. But if you just send out a regular newsletter, it may be time to rethink things. With post-purchase emails, you can more effectively build a loyal customer base. Learn more in this Target Marketing post by Alexandra Braunstein.

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