10 Tips For Success From A Teen Entrepreneur

Action Over Words: Take action and stop spending months perfecting every little detail on your business plan. Jump in and learn as you go. One of the perks of being a young entrepreneur is that your life doesn’t depend on the success of this company. Talk is cheap. It’s easy to make it look like you’re doing a lot, when really all you’re really doing is talking about the things you want to do. A lot of people start businesses without planning any proper course of action, and things tend to fall apart. You need to know exactly how you’re going to make something happen before you tell people you’re going to do it. Customers lose confidence in businesses that talk but never act.

Set Realistic Goals: Setting goals is one thing but setting realistic goals is something different entirely. Your goals need to be challenging but still accomplishable. People tell me every day that they want to go from 0 to 100,000 followers on Instagram in a week but it’s not realistic.

Read More at : https://www.forbes.com/sites/maryjuetten/2020/06/04/ten-tips-for-success-from-a-teen-entrepreneur/#6c8ff4d3559d

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