Often You Use, Do You Know What Is HVS?

HVS paper by size

  1. HVS B5 paper. This paper measures 18.2 x 25.7 cm. Usually used to print reading books and notebooks.
  2. Quarto HVS paper (Q4). Often also known as letter size. The dimensions are 21.6 x 27.9 cm. The width of this paper is slightly longer than A4 size.
  3. A4 HVS paper. The most popular paper sizes are used. With a width of 21 cm and a length of 29.7 cm, A4 paper has also become an international standard used in various parts of the world.
  4. HVS F4 paper. Often also referred to as folio paper. In England it is known as a foolscap paper. Measuring 21.6 x 33 cm, this paper is still easy to find in Indonesia.
  5. HVS A3 Paper Measuring 29.7 x 42 cm, this paper is often used for photocopying or printing larger documents.
  6. HVS flipchart paper. Must be purchased for printing or photocopying businesses. Plano paper sizes for HVS vary, namely 79 x 109 cm, 65 x 100 cm, 65 x 90 cm, and 61 x 86 cm.

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