t’s tough trying to cut through the clutter online.
Search results are becoming more and more bloated with near-identical blog posts – and the top publishers are holding a near-monopoly over the first page of Google.
So what’s the solution?
Create something that’s original, interesting, digestible, and shareable.
An infographic is one of the easiest ways to get started with visual content creation. And when you get it right, people will spread it across the internet for you – with no tricky SEO or paid advertising.
Here are 5 reasons why infographics are one of the best ways to boost your business’s profile:
- They simply get read more
We all love to read a good book or an article.
But in reality, our brains are hard-wired for something else:
Around 65% of us are visual learners. And we process visual information much faster than text.
(Some sources even suggest that our brains are 60,000 times faster at decoding information from pictures instead of text!)
So what does that mean?
It means a visual format is a brain-hacking shortcut to get your content into the minds of your visitors – faster, more often, and with less resistance.
And that means you’ll have more people reading your stuff, staying on your page, and coming back for more.
- They make an instant impact
We’ve all heard the five-second rule when it comes to first impressions. (Or four seconds or six seconds – it really doesn’t matter.)
It’s hard trying to hook a Google searcher that quickly with the opening line of an article or blog post.
But with a carefully designed infographic, it’s already had an effect on them before they really know it’s there.
Bright colours, quirky layouts, bold cartoons, and striking fonts.
Words don’t catch your eye unless you’re already reading. But a visual version of the same content can hook your visitors before they’ve had a chance to start absorbing it.\
Read more at https://www.print-print.co.uk/blog/want-to-reach-more-people-you-need-to-use-infographics