01. Supply it right
“Always ask the client how they want the final image. If they want the Illustrator file, and you have lots of layers but don’t want to move them to a new artwork one by one, it’s easier to draw a large rectangle over the final image, Ctrl+right-click, and select ‘Create a Clipping Mask’. This crops your artwork to the shape you drew.”
02. Learn the Bezier tools
“Working with a Wacom tablet, I’m a big supporter of the Pen tool. The Bezier curves take time to learn, but are a super-efficient way to get the exact lines and shapes you want. Use the Alt/Option key to drag off a copy, instead of copy and paste, and learn all the tool shortcuts to save precious minutes.”
03. Start out right
“Consider the technology that will produce the work – you approach a full-colour image for a print magazine differently than something you’d spray on a wall. Our wall decal illustrations have to be simple, one-dimensional and easy to cut out, so we use styles from the ’60s and ’70s with elementary shapes.”
04. Mix it up
“Don’t be afraid to remove elements to make a composition that you’re happy with. I usually think about an image for a long time before I start illustrating – but sometimes I just start with a line and a shape, then remove them. I remove half of everything I draw, and from that the illustration evolves.”
05. Send it as a TIFF
“Work from the beginning in CMYK and even though your final image is vector, try to send it as a TIFF. This will avoid any kind of colour problem or involuntary change – in colour or composition.” Of course the client may demand an AI file, so then take Aaron Miller’s advice (see 01.).
Read more at https://www.creativebloq.com/graphic-design/pro-tips-vector-illustration-8108795