Creating a Memory Board

Creating a memorial or memory board is an important task when planning a funeralfor a loved one, but something that not all of us will have had to do before.

A memory board -is usually between A4 and A1 in size and displayed at funeral services to act as a sentimental tribute to the departed. Many people opt to design their memorial board at the same time as creating funeral thank you cards or planning your order of service.

If this is something that is new to you, there are a few things to keep in mind during the design process:


The design usually follows the look and feel of the Order of Service, so they are in keeping with other and there is consistency.


Think about what you want to communicate with your memorial board. This will largely be determined by the tone and atmosphere of the funeral that you’re planning.

Funerals mean different things to different families. For some, it’s an opportunity to grieve together and to say their final goodbyes. For others, it’s more of a celebration of life, and a chance to toast their personality and spirit. The message that you want your memorial card to communicate is an important consideration, as it determines whether you should create a card that’s traditional and sentimental, or more cheeky and bold.