Google Bans Zoom, Amazon Now Allows Non-Essential Products

1 — Google told its workers that they can’t use Zoom on their laptops anymore.

Google announced last week that they are banning Zoom— the well-known videoconferencing software— and will no longer allow their employees to use the software on their devices. While Zoom is a top competitor to Meet— Google’s videoconferencing app— the company cited that the reason they are banning the software is due to the many security breaches Zoom has faced over the past several weeks. As of this week, the company announced that Zoom will no longer work on Google employee laptops. (Source: Buzz Feed) 

Why this is important for your business:

Of course the first question you have to ask is why were Google employees allowed to use a competitive product to begin with? Oh, that’s right…because it’s better! Putting that aside, Google’s ban has highlighted the significant security issues affecting Zoom users. We’re all using Zoom so aren’t you also concerned? Clearly, the collaboration app’s management is concerned and the company’s CEO admitted mistakes. If your company is using Zoom you should be keeping up with its security updates and possibly evaluating alternatives.


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