The Process of Optimizing Photos
I have suggested that the designer (let’s call him Bill) follow a protocol to make photo preparation more routine. This should speed up the process, and make it more intuitive. After all, there are a lot of photographs to process.
I suggested the following workflow.
- Change color space from “RGB” to “Grayscale.”
- Scale and crop photo to final reproduction dimensions.
- Ensure that photo is 300 dpi at final size.
- Use cloning tool to correct small imperfections, such as dust spots.
- Adjust levels or curves to ensure a wide range of tones.
- Lighten the photo slightly to compensate for dot gain.
- Use unsharp masking in the filters menu to sharpen the image.
I read once that this series of steps would correct most problems with almost 95 percent of the photos a designer will need to manipulate.