TrueType vs PostScript Fonts: Which is Better When it Comes to Print?
Futura. Arial. Times New Roman. Garamond. Helvetica. Most of us are familiar with these widely used and well-loved TrueType vs postScript Fonts. Each font has a unique look and feel, and some will be better suited to your needs than others. When you’re creating custom posters or flyers, you’ll want to choose the perfect font for your design. And when it comes to typefacing, there are lots to consider – which font looks the best, which fonts complement each other, what are the latest font trends?
However, beneath all of these considerations, there is an important question that people often overlook: is your font postScript or trueType? You may know your way around font types, but when it comes to print, the real issues are located under the surface.
Some fonts are postScript, others are trueType. Each font has unique letter shapes, known as glyphs, which are made up of a series of defining points that create outlines. When a font is processed to an output device – such as a monitor, or a printer – the glyphs are rasterized into a grid pattern of dots. Depending on how the font is processed from outline to output, it will either be postScript or TrueType.
Both of these types of fonts are considered industry standards, widely used by professionals. Each has their pros and cons. But when it comes to printing, there is a clear winner. So what’s the difference?