CMYK and RGB colors are two important components in color theory. These two components form the basis for forming other colors. Before making a design, the designer must first determine whether the design will be printed or only presented through the monitor media. Why? Because CMYK and RGB colors will produce different results when displayed in visual form on the monitor and when printed. Then how do you overcome this difference?
The first step is to know the difference between CMYK colors and RGB colors. CMYK color stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black. CMYK colors are often used for printing because the ink in printing consists of the colors Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black. The color of CMY itself still reflects a little color in RGB. Cyan reflects Red or Red. The Magenta color reflects Green or Green and the Yellow color reflects Blue or Blue. These reflections are not desirable, also called hue errors. To work around this, the color is Black or called the Key in CMYK color so that each color component becomes more concentrated and does not reflect the hue error.
While the RGB color is the color of Red, Green and Blue. These three colors produce a brightness that is brighter than the color of CMYK. Therefore, the RGB color is very well used for visual presentations on the monitor. For graphic designers, RGB colors are the ones that are used most often. However, for those graphic designers who have specialization in the printing section will often use CMYK colors.
What if the file is RGB? If you are already in the place of printing or printing, then you have to accept the risk of color drop if printed. If not, you can change the file format from RGB to CMYK. Almost all design-specific applications can change the color format from RGB to CMYK so the results for printing will also be better than being printed in RGB format. Well, from now on, if you want to print your designs, make sure you use CMYK colors.