13 Passive Income Streams To Create In 2019

13 Passive Income Streams To Create In 2019

Earning money while you sleep? Not really. Other than inheritance or winning the lottery oh, there are really no effort-free ways to make money.

On the other hand, there are several ways that you can earn passive income. To be clear, these are not zero effort undertakings. Still, you can earn some cash outside of your small business or regular gig and you won’t have to put in nearly the same amount of work as you do pursuing your more active sources of income. If you’re interested in boosting your bottom line 2019, check out these 13 passive income streams.

1. Publish an ebook

You don’t need to be a famous author to make money from a book. Instead, of writing science fiction, consider the more pragmatic subjects e.g. business, marketing etc. If you publish an ebook that is targeted for a very specific audience, teaching a few highly-practical tricks, you can earn a few extra hundreds per month from just that.

2. Create an app

If you’re technically inclined, consider developing an app. Like an e-book, you can build an app to help increase revenue and engagement with your existing business. You can also develop an app to market directly to people on Google Play or the App Store. The key is to identify a need, then build an app that fulfills that need.

3. Vehicle wrapping

We’ve all seen those cars with magnets, window decals, or even full wraps advertising various products and services. Some people do this to advertise their own companies, but many others do so simply to earn a bit of extra income. There are businesses that will pay you to advertise on your car. Sometimes this is a simple monthly payment. In other cases payment comes in form of a commission when somebody calls or visits the website advertised on your vehicle.

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